My name is Paul Grant (follower of Basho) and I am the one posting this this to craigslist. .
{I chose the after-my -name-tag to be easier to find on the internet since my name is very common}
I am an artist living just outside of Chicago, and to help pay the bills I do `web work' for a Chicago Internet Marketing firm. I have worked for an enormous variety of clients, doing a variety of tasks, including web site design, writing web text, layout, image work, photography, and tech support.
But my heart and soul is in art. In addition to my own work, I write an art blog called Art Talk about events in the art world. I have become involved in several group shows because of Craigslist. The firm I work for is beyond the financial reach of most artist, yet I would rather work for far less money with artist for the preservation of my soul and the promotion of beauty over `plastic commerce'. Left Brain / Right Brain Much of artistic output comes from the right side of the brain, where technical ability such as learning computer language and drawing within the boundaries come from the left side of the brain. Yes, you can learn how to make a nice web site. Yes, you can read all the literature on how to get your web site `optimized'. But if that isn't what interest you it is best to outsource your web site and concentrate on where your talents are- your art.
I look at what everyone is charging to deign web sites and I think it ridiculously expensive. I will help a person design their basic* web site for $30.00.** (via paypal or googlecheckout) * I'll explain basic ( 3-4 pages) when you email me **This would mean you would still need to pay a company for hosting fee, and pay for a domain name -> for year 1 = 7.95 web name + (3.95 x12=) 47.40 year hosting and $30 design service = equals about $78.00 to have your web site up an running. |