The following is the hyper text of the essay:
essay1 :: Gigi asks "What does `Boo Fuckin Hoo' mean?"
Gigi my neighbor, a collage student who gets me to write her papers for her, knocks and enters my apartment, opens my fridge, and calls: "Want one?"
She enters the room with two beers. I was mid sentence, writing in my Blog about Iraq2 and the real meaning of the phrase Bush Doctrine3. She drops a note: "What does Boo Fuckin Hoo mean?"
Three years ago, Gigi knocked on my door an introduced herself. She invited herself in, lit a joint, and casually went through my belongings. I had been unpacking and listening repeatedly to Cat Stevens Tea for the Tiller-man , speculating on meanings. She offered me her joint just as Stevens sang the lyric "Wine for the women who made the rain come"5 - and I asked if she would like some wine. Laughing, we ended on my sofa. At some point she told me she had herpes.6 Later she told me that she just said that so I wouldn't come on to her. Instead, somehow, she became my little sister in need of saving, and I became her big brother willing to do anything for her.
Now she explained finding the essay add7 in the artist section of Craigslist.
"Well, " I said, "depending on context,8 `boo Fucking hoo', is just a more explicit `boo hoo', a phrase used sarcastically when a person shows too much self pity."9
"Yeah, " Gigi responded, "how's is my paper coming along?"`We' were finishing a paper that argues that the ending of Don Quixote should be changed.`10 We' worked out an argument beginning with reference to a fictional essay11 about a 20th century writer who re-authors Don Quixote. "The text of ..are verbally identical, but the second is almost infinitely richer because Menard's work must be considered in light of world events since 1602."
There was also the historic precedent of Shakespeare's play King Lear, that had an adjustment to it's final scene. It was altered from a scene of absolute despair to a scene of possible redemption and rebirth. Hope is reintroduced into the ending of that play.12
`We' conclude: In light of world events, terrorism, wars, economic uncertainty, disillusioned youth, Don Quixote's ending should be changed.Quixote should be presented as having no regrets for going after his impossible dreams.13
"I need to spell check." I answered.
Then I mused: "It could also be a phrase of endearment. 14"
Gigi lights up as I explain. "The word `'boo', as slang, can mean your lover, as in `my boo'. So " Boo Fucking `who'? ", could be a rhetorical question- `Who are you making love to?' Much the same as male asking the woman he is `with'- `Whose your daddy?15the goal is to have the other recognize your presence." "How do you come up with all this shit?" Gigi asked giggling in her pot fog. " Can you turn it into a 500 word essay?16
500 word
by Paul Grant (follower of Basho)17
The short piece stands on it's own for what it is. If one wanted to find additional meaning, a hypertexed version of this essay can be found at
Paul Williams in das Energie.
There going to make a movie about the things things that they find crawling in my brain.
Counting Crows
why take your time to do anything? There is a sense of willpower, a leaning foreword with an idea.
2. my Blog about Iraq = Iraq War News & History:: News, documents, videos and commentary on the news about the War in Iraq.
I am for the US leaving Iraq in a rapid-secret deployment. Maybe have them reappear after a week in Afghanistan or Bosnia, or even Texas to help out. If or when the situation in Iraq turns very bad - pop back in. I am against war and totally for diplomacy, but a war policy is needed.
Go back to the Collin Powell Doctrine of exceeding force quickly in and out. Give up the concept of occupying.
3. the real meaning of the phrase Bush Doctrine -what I was writing when I was interrupted:

To which she responded: "In what respect, Charlie?"
To which she was informed: "... that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense."
Was Gibson's description right in his definition of the Bush Doctrine?
I compared it to what `pundits' said it meant to the reality, including the first writer to use the phrase. Then after a lengthy article I concluded:
The sad truth is that the Bush Presidency has left the United States trillions of dollars in debt, in two ongoing wars with a military bogged down and needing significant influx of money and soldiers, with a country in economic trouble, a budget debt of 50 Billion, a very low standing in world opinion, and a much less stable middle East then when his term began.
Bush has had his accomplishments - giving tax breaks to the rich and allowing oil companies to reap record profits as gas prices have almost doubled. He has brought a corporation called Haliburton back from financial problems, and has moved towards the use of private military firms such as Blackwater who are above the law, secret prisons around the world, promoted the use of torture and decrease of civil rights not just of non- Americans, but of US citizens.
Tea for the Tillerman, which became a top-10 Billboard hit and within 6 months of its release, sold over 500,000 copies, reaching Gold record status in the United States and in Britain, combining Stevens' new folk style with accessible lyrics that spoke of everyday situations and problems, mixed with the beginning of spiritual imagery that would remain in his music from thereon. As Stevens sought for the answers to life, inner peace, truth, and World Peace, an audience starved for the same answers followed.
"I decided to go for a swim. Of course nobody told me that that wasn't a good time to go swimming," Islam said. "So there I was, you know, out there, and I'm thinking, 'Ah, great, hmm, OK, let's go back now.' And then I ... tried to swim back to shore. And suddenly I felt 'I can't do this' — the tide was going the other way. I wasn't getting any closer.
"Suddenly I was petrified. I thought: 'This might be it.' I said: 'God, if you save me, I'll work for you.' It was without hesitation that I knew that, instinctively, there was a power that could help me. And then a little wave, you know, came behind me — a little wave, it wasn't very big. But it was that miraculous moment when suddenly the tide was going in my favor. I had my energy, I could swim back. I was on land. I was alive. Wow, what next?"
After that Islam tried to find a religion that fit. He experimented with Buddhism, Tao, numerology and even astrology. But when his brother gave him a copy of the Koran, the man who had been shopping for answers finally found them.
"I was looking for something that would resonate — the meaning of life at whatever angle you looked at it," he said.
At the time, he was still performing and was hugely popular. He realized he couldn't balance his religion and his career.
"Yeah, when it came to trying to balance you know, this knowledge, this discovery, with my lifestyle, you know, I've been singing about trying to find who I am," Islam said. "Now I've found out, do I have to keep singing? I mean, that was the question."
The answer came in November 1979 at London's Wembley stadium when he walked onstage as Cat Stevens and walked off as Yusuf Islam.
He wouldn't touch a guitar again for more than 20 years.
Yusuf Islam Reflects On His Return Artist Once Known As Cat Stevens Talks About New Album
(CBS) This story originally aired on Dec. 3, 2006
5 Meaning of: `women who made the rain come'
19th definition for Make it rain in the Urban Dictionary
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7. Craiglist Add - this is the add that I was to answer:
Date: 2008-09-13, 5:29PM CDT
Those three little words mean such different things to different people. We welcome your creative interpretation.
WWW.POORLUCKYME.COM is sponsoring an essay contest via WWW.BOOFUCKINHOO.COM (NO "G"!!)
Essay Rules
Please reply to this ad. Essays should be under 500 words, cut and paste into your email. Essays over 500 words must be particularly awesome and entertaining for our staff to read. No attachments please. Include a title. Please indicate if you would like to remain anonymous. Entries will be posted throughout the month. Comments are welcomed and will be taken into consideration. Each month one essay will be chosen and awarded a prize of $50. Winners will be notified via email. Thanks for playing!
- Location: The Internet
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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8. depending on context.
word sense disambiguation (WSD) is the problem of determining which "sense" (meaning) of a word is activated by the use of the word in a particular context, a process which appears to be largely unconscious in people.
Ambiguous language is `fuzzy language'; where words meaning are not fixed, where meaning is approximate rather than precise.
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9. Self Pity:
Since I will argue that the most likely definition of the phrase is in response to self pity. As I mentioned in the note on context, how the phrase is delivered has significant impact on it value. The speakers personal perception of what `self pity'; is, sets the underlying context of how the speaker delivers the phrase. For example, a common definition is:
Self-pity is generally regarded as a negative emotion in that it does not generally help deal with adverse situations. However, in a social context it may result in either the offering of sympathy or advice. Self-pity may be considered normal, and in certain circumstances healthy, so long as it is transitory and leads to either acceptance or a determination to change the situation.
Additionally, self-pity can be remarkably self-sustaining particularly in conjunction with depression or other conditions. For example: a child at school feels badly because they see others as more social or outgoing. If the child does not take action by attempting to get to know others despite potential negative consequences (such as rejection) then they may continue to feel alone, and their feelings of self-pity will be sustained.
Self-pity is a way of paying attention to oneself, albeit negatively; it is a means self-soothing or self-nurturing ("I hurt so much"). Social-Learning theorists purport that self-pity is a method for gaining attention, probably as a child, where an individual received attention, support, and nurturing while being sick or hurt. The child then grows up having learned to give attention to oneself (or ask for attention from others) while in real or dramatized distress to receive the same payoff.
Thus, another form of self- sustainment can be sympathy offered by others: "oh, you poor thing." This is particularly true of individuals who exhibit sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies and rely on the sympathy offered by others as a means to manipulate."
"Self-Pity" is also the title of a short poem by D. H. Lawrence.
The poem was prominently cited by Viggo Mortensen's character in the film G.I. Jane (a a 1997 action movie that tells the fictional story of the first woman to undergo training in U.S. Navy Special Warfare Group.)
I never saw a wild thing
2 sorry for itself.
3 A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
4 without ever having felt sorry for itself.
Online text copyright © 2008, Ian Lancashire for the Department of English, University of Toronto. Published by the Web Development Group, Information Technology Services, University of Toronto Libraries.
This poem states that animals don't feel sorry for themselves, an some believe that Lawrence is suggesting that this is a trait that humans should adopt. But being human the simplicity of simplre acceptence is not possible (for that matter how does Lawrence know that animals feel no self pity? Lawrence may have been excusing himself from self pity having been troubled from early youth with respiratory disease). Self pity becomes a manifestation of previous emotional and/or physical disruptions of the stable self. As one psychologist put it:
---> Self Righteous Rage
Psychologisthave even addressed the perception of an other's self pity responses ( as in "boo Fucking hoo', used sarcastically when a person shows too much self pity).
Self pitying individuals may not be in conscious control of their `self pitting behavior'. Telling them to stop feeling sorry for themselves (or suggesting it, ussing a saterical phrase is as effective as telling them to defy gravity.
for unconscious emotional conflicts has repeatedly led to the conclusion that interpersonal relationships play a major role in the development of personality . Relationships with
parents have been found to be of particular importance in the development of basic attitudes . Harry Stack Sullivan (1892-1949) utilized astute and accurate clinical observa-
tions to focus intensively on the importance of the inter-personal relationships . His emphasis on communication processes in interpersonal behavior laid the groundwork
for the present strong emphasis on environment and in-terpersonal relationships as etiologic factors in many emotional disorders.
The emotional state of the patient is primarily the result of an interaction between his or her internal and external environment. If the internal environment is altered by phys-
cal disease s... mental illness can occur. Similarly, a patient overwhelmed by emotional stress may experience derangement in the organization of his or her thinking. Such patients have no demonstrable nervous system lesions that would account for the neurotic or psychotic behavior. Disruptions in interpersonal relationships are frequently the precipitating events for neurotic and psychotic behavior. Consequently, most modern thinking sees mental illness as an interaction between an internal emotional substrate different for each individual and environmental stresses.
Interpersonal Relationships byJohn B. Griffin JR. in Clinical Methods : The History, Physical and Laboratory Examinations' ; Author: H. Kenneth Walker, W. Dallas Hall, J. Willis Hurst (Editor) Published by Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd: July 1990 Edition: 3rd ISBN: 040990077X
So when one is unfortunate to be on the end of anothers self pity lament, the lamenting person has some perception that you would care. And as the Wilson article above states: " which his self object (You the listner) is expected to share in the grief. When this does not occur, further depression and/or defenses against it. Theses defenses may take the form of..disruptive acting out.."
Therefore, in contex, use of this phrase as a response to another's self pity would be counter productive. However, self use, can be productive in that recognizes a disruption in balance, and the unpleasantness without letting the situation overwhelm, as in: "I got fired from work today. Boo fucking hoo. I guess I'll have to go looking for a job tomorrow."
10. the ending of Don Quiote should be changed
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Borges's "review" describes this 20th century French writer who has made an effort to go further than mere "translation" of Don Quixote, but to immerse himself so thoroughly as to be able to actually "re-create" it, line for line, in the original 17th Century Spanish. Thus, Pierre Menard is often used to raise questions and discussion about the nature of accurate translation.
12. King Lear, had an adjustment to it's final scene
J. Seward Johnson created this 20-something-foot tall statue with this interesting pose with it turning away from something. The placement in the court makes him look like he's turning away from the sun and the buildings across the river. The nicely matching architecture in this shot is the London Insurance Building and Mather Tower . Photo by Matt Maldre}
Dr Christie Carson, Royal Holloway University of London
13. going after his impossible dreams
As Jerome Bruner defines the great emerging theme:
Victor Frankles book Man's search for Meaning, and his start in logotherepy resulted from talking with people facing end of their life in a Nazi prison camp, their reality/ meaning, compared with introspection to their dreams and hopes. Those with the strongest dreams and hopes survived, despite their condition/reality of the moment.
These three steps follow timings and rites that each culture presents in its own way. With due regard for the diversity of cultures and plurality of configurations of identity, these traditions are invariably the result of learning journeys marked by progressive growth in the vision and ultimate sense with which human beings discover and re-interpret their singular relation with any form of transcendence,"Ferry analyzes how the definition of a "life of personal conquests" has changed through history, from the times of the search for a "good life",and lists the respective measurements. Ferry, L. (2002). Qu’est-ce qu’une vie réussie, Paris: Bernard Grasset.
Individual maturity is required, though the maturating of the working class is not top of the agenda for the ruling elite.
And the individuals drift from self compensation to concern for the community is not a common national notion as much as the American Dream is considered `getting your rightful piece of the pie'.
Or why did Pat Tullman give up a 30 million dollar contract to join the military. Are they on a differnt page from us?
The highest concern for the populace is their place in the economic ladder:
Everyone knows that economic inequality has increased in recent decades. The richest 10 to 20 percent of Americans have gotten richer faster than the rest. But the people at the top are not all the same people or even the children of the same people. This vindicates one version of the American dream.
There is opportunity. People do move up—in both total income and class rank. Economic success is not static.
Iandeed, the high degree of intergenerational economic mobility is (a) Pew's (study) most interesting finding. What happens at the bottom of the income scale also happens at the top. About 60 percent of children born of the richest fifth of parents do not themselves end up among the richest fifth; about 23 percent drop into the next-to-highest group and 9 percent fall to the bottom.
Everyone knows that economic inequality has increased in recent decades. The richest 10 to 20 percent of Americans have gotten richer faster than the rest. But the people at the top are not all the same people or even the children of the same people. This vindicates one version of the American dream. There is opportunity. People do move up—in both total income and class rank. Economic success is not static.
Indeed, the high degree of intergenerational economic mobility is (a) Pew's (study) most interesting finding. What happens at the bottom of the income scale also happens at the top. About 60 percent of children born of the richest fifth of parents do not themselves end up among the richest fifth; about 23 percent drop into the next-to-highest group and 9 percent fall to the bottom. Parents influence their children's destiny but do not determine it.
Robert J. Samuelson
The (Impossible) American Dream
A term of endearment is a word or phrase used to address and/or describe a person or animal for which the speaker feels love or affection. Terms of endearment are used for a variety of reasons, such as parents addressing their children and lovers addressing each other.
Such words may not, in their original use, bear any resemblance in meaning to the meaning attached when used as a term of endearment, for example calling a spouse "pumpkin". Some words are clearly derived from each other, such as "sweetheart" and "sweetie", while others bear no etymological resemblance, such as "baby" and "cutie". The first evidence of the current connotation for terms of endearment varies. "Baby" is first used in 1839 and "sugar" only appears as recently as 1930.(
Use of terms of endearment can reveal little or nothing about the true quality of the relationship in question.
Terms of endearment can also be A hypocoristic, hypocorism or hypochorisma (from Greekhypokorizesthai, "to use child-talk"{ Oxford English Dictionary, online edition: "hypocorism"1])
15.Whose your daddy?
16. can you turn it into a 500 word essay?
Now I see through their absurdities and deceptions, and it only grieves me that this destruction of my illusions has come so late that it leaves me no time to make some amends by reading other books that might be a light to my soul.
Niece, I feel myself at the point of death, and I would fain meet it in such a way as to show that my life has not been so ill that I should leave behind me the name of a madman; for though I have been one, I would not that the fact should be made plainer at my death. Call in to me, my dear, my good friends the curate, the bachelor Samson Carrasco, and Master Nicholas the barber, for I wish to confess and make my will." But his niece was saved the trouble by the entrance of the three.
The instant Don Quixote saw them he exclaimed, "Good news for you, good sirs, that I am no longer Don Quixote of La Mancha, but Alonso Quixano, whose way of life won for him the name of Good. Now am I the enemy of Amadis of Gaul and of the whole countless troop of his descendants; odious to me now are all the profane stories of knight-errantry; now I perceive my folly, and the peril into which reading them brought me; now, by God's mercy schooled into my right senses, I loathe them."
The argument of the paper was to change the end so that the `mad mans' `impossible dreams' when realized as being made of `false intelligence' brings one to a point of not only self pity, but shame. (The kind of shame the Bush Administration should be feeling.) Then I came to the profound realization that the real Bush Doctrine was re-writing history, so as to make it uplifting: Mission accomplished, there is no civil war in Iraq, we are winning, outing a CIA agent is really no big thing, the economy is in great shape... and on and on.
17. Paul Grant (follower of Basho)
I decided to add a `tag' to my name:` follower of Basho'. I was re-reading Narrow Road to a Far Province. I was drinking red wine alone. And I thought : That's It . Narrow Road to a Far Province -actually was a way in itself. be on the path, and don't stray from the path, and know the path will be uneasy. Seems simple typed out like this, but at the moment it occurred to me that it starts with an if we set out on a path. Most people don't even have a path in mind.
This interrelates to the Don Quite references. He chooses to be Don Quite, he creates him. But then, as i suppose later in this piece, Quite goes off the path. In this case, into a cave. Some see the cave as being within the earth, and that the earth represents reality and truth, so within the cave would be the inside of truth, representing un-reality and untruth. And when tossed between possible realities, at the end of the play, we argued in the paper, he ended up on the wrong side.
Matsuo Bashō (松尾 芭蕉? 1644 – 28 November 1694) Wikipedia writes " .. today, after centuries of commentary, he is recognized as a master of brief and clear haiku. His poetry is internationally renowned." My personal affection is for his work in haibun, a mixture of haiku and prose as in Journal of a eather-eaten Skeleton and most especially Narrow Road to a Far Province. I liked the fact that Basho was a chosen name, an art name: ( An art-name (号 gō?) is a pseudonym, or penname, used by a Japanese artist, which they sometimes change. In some cases, artists adopted different gō at different stages of their career, usually to mark significant changes in their life.) His first was Sōbō (宗房?), his second was Tōsei. and his third and final one was Basho, the name of a type of banana tree that one of his students planted outside his hut where he had chosen to live outside of the society in which he once lived.
I also like the fact that he was born into a Samurai family and in his youth worked in a kitchen. During my high school and early collage years i carried with me at all time "Way of the Warrior", the code of conduct and a way of the samurai life. During collage I was involved in slam poetry in Chicago. Later I would become a chef. Now as an artist and writter it seemed a fitting `tag'. For these reasons and more I chose to put the tag of `follower of Basho' after my name, when possible.
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